Martha and Miguel had their wedding at The Venue at Serenity Falls, a lovely little venue near Kennedale in Fort Worth. From the outside it looks like just a warehouse, but don't let that fool you, the inside is gorgeous and the landscaping work out back is outstanding and affords multiple beautiful areas for taking portrait and bridal party photos.
When I arrived Martha was getting her wedding hair and makeup done and had just received a letter from Miguel, so I told her to hold off on reading it until I could get my camera and decided to start my coverage there. After a couple of shots of her reading and reacting to his letter I set up her wedding gown in the window and the rest of her wedding details on the dresser inside.
I love the glow I achieved with her dress shot by backlighting it with the window, so I wanted to get that same feeling for her "getting into the dress" shots. She was so giddy and excited to be finally putting her dress on and we got so many sweet photos or her and her maid of honor, who also put her crown and veil on as well.
After taking some "under the veil" shots I went downstairs to get shots of the groom Miguel getting ready with his best man. I got a quick shot of his suit jacket and cowboy hat and then his best man helped him get ready. I decided to shoot from the opposite side of the mirrors to get some lights in the background and to make the room bigger. I like the moodiness I got and how it plays off of the mood that was in the bride's getting ready shots.
After that, since we only had a little bit of time before people would start arriving for the ceremony I took Martha out for some bridal portraits. It was a little chilly but the light was ideal and we were able to find a lot of different places in the backyard. After that we did some family photos, as much as we could so we wouldn't have to do as much after the ceremony.
When that was done we went inside to get ready for the ceremony. The flower girl was a little afraid of the camera so I backed off and used my telephoto lenses to take a more candid approach (which is how I approach the ceremony anyway.)
The ceremony was short and sweet and we went back outside after to take family and bridal party photos. The skies were beautiful and the lighting diffuse and flattering. We busted through the photos efficiently and before going back in for the reception we did a quick mini couples session.
My coverage ended after the dollar dance but we got a lot done before then: the grand entrance, the first dance, the mariachi band, table shots with the bride and groom, the cake cutting, and bouquet toss.
Before I left we went out to the fountain out back and capped off the night with some night shots.
All in all it was a lovely event and I am so grateful to have been able to be there to witness and capture such a beautiful connection.
Thanks again to Martha and Miguel and if you would like to book me for your special day click here to contact and inquire about your special day!